Valencia City in Bukidnon province seems on the road to becoming one of the most dynamic and prosperous cities in Mindanao. Over the last few years, the city has seen impressive growth as manifested by its booming construction industry and the ever growing service and agricultural sectors.
Valencia City is now home to more than a dozen major commercial banks and rural banks. Insurance and surety companies are also making huge headway which gives an impression that the financial sector in the city is very much in the pink of health.
The robust trading going on every day at the newly built Valencia City Public Market may be considered additional evidence that the consumer sector of the city is showing signs of renewed activity. It means that residents do have greater purchasing power which could further propel the growth of the city in the years to come.
On the political front, the crisis brought about by the removal of elected City Mayor Jose Galario, who was convicted of graft, seemed to have resolved itself peacefully. He was replaced by Vice Mayor Azucena Huervas, who is showing political maturity in running the city towards greater progress.
However, there are a few important things that must be addressed squarely by the city government if it wants Valencia to continue its growth trajectory.
First, the city government must resolve the issue of flooding within the downtown area. The outdated drainage systems of the city are incapable of absorbing the rigors of urbanization. The city streets become flooded after a few minutes of heavy rain.
Flooding is a major blight of urban centers. If the city government will not find timely solutions to this problem, then future investors and traders will surely look for other competitive markets in the region. This is a sorry loss for Valencia.
Second, the city government together with the local Philippine National Police (PNP) must double its efforts to curb street crimes. It must also exert more effort in solving high profile murders that occurred in the past, such as the ambush of a prominent radio commentator and the killing of a peasant leader.
These crimes remained unsolved until today, notwithstanding the fact that one of the gunman in the Joas Dignos killing was already in custody. The police needs to arrest the masterminds behind these crimes and hail them to the courts.
If the police force is capable of solving high profile cases and has the ability to prevent street crimes, more and more investors will surely come to Valencia City.
Third, the city government must implement a systematic integrated solid waste management program. Garbage collection in the city seems an ‘on-an-off’ activity. There are days when the major streets of Valencia are stinking to high heavens due to uncollected garbage.
However, we must mention here that the present officials of Valencia City should be commended for resuming the collection of garbage from residential areas. This service has been discontinued during the term of the past Mayor, Leandro Catarata.
Needless to say, improvements are still in order when it comes to solid waste management and garbage collection. We dread to see the day when a booming Valencia City will be burdened by uncollected garbage due to lack of proper waste management system.
Valencia City is a land of promise. Its continued march to progress could be hindered if its officials will fail to address the simmering problems that are becoming more evident each day.